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At the turn of a new century, changes unimagined are about to unfold.
THE WOMAN: Kidnapped by the Apaches, a Mexican woman learns the healing arts. Stolen by the Utes, she is sold and traded until she ends up with the Piikáni. All she has left are her skills—and her honor. What price will she pay to ensure a lasting place among the People?
THE MAN: Raised in a London charitable school, a young man at the end of the third of a seven year term of indenture to the Hudson’s Bay Company is sent to the Rocky Mountains to live among the Piikáni for the winter to learn their language and to foster trade. He dreams of his advancement in the company, but he doesn’t reckon the price for becoming entangled in the passions of the Piikáni.
THE LAND: After centuries of conflict, Náápiikoan traders approach the Piikáni, powerful members of the Blackfoot Confederation. The Piikáni already have horses and weapons, but they are promised they will become rich if they agree to trap beaver for Náápiikoan. Will the People trade their beliefs for the White Man’s bargains?
Partially based on the works of Canadian trader, explorer, and mapmaker David Thompson, Náápiikoan Winter spans a continent, examining the cultures in flux at the passing of an era and the painful birth of another.
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--W. Michael and Kathleen O'Neal Gear, authors of PEOPLE OF THE MORNING STAR
"An involving, richly atmospheric historical novel about the clash of cultures in frontier America."
--Kirkus Reviews
"What I don't understand is WHY haven't more people read this book? ... Brilliant."
--Mary on Goodreads
"The uneasy juxtaposition between these worlds is handled with a great deal of confidence by Williams, who very skillfully humanizes the conflict through solid period research and a series of well-drawn characters.Recommended."
--Historical Novel Society
"The author brings the old cultures to life with vivid descriptions and detailed narration."
--Mamta Madhavan for Readers' Favorite
"Each story kept me engaged and wanting to read more."
--Debra Schoenberger on Goodreads
"[T]his is not a political volume. It's a novel, and a compelling one."
--Susan Schoch for Story Circle Book Reviews
" 'Naapiikoan Winter' is a historical novel rich in traditions and a bit of magic."
--Sarah E. Bradley for In D'Tale Magazine
"The character development reflects the reality of flawed human decision-making, motivated by greed, emotions, and pride.
--Renee Hanlin, Children’s Services Librarian, Wyoming State Library Book Reviews
"The author's meticulous research shows up in her portrayal of the characters and their way of life. No wonder Alethea Williams has won so many awards for her writing!"
--Sandra Nachlinger, "Book Beginnings" on Writing With a Texas Twang
"Having intensively studied Native American Plains Cultures, I can attest that Alethea's descriptions of tribal dynamics; tribal status, familial structure, spiritual practices and migrations are accurate."
--Tina Mari Combs, TMC Author Services, LLC, on Amazon
"Ms Williams writes with great skill, confidence and what appears to be highly detailed research. Her understanding of the differences between the two cultures is handled with dexterity, and makes this a recommended, very enjoyable read."
--Ellen Hill, Discovering Diamonds
"This isn't a surface story but a deep look into the ole' west and the Indians that were a huge part of our history. Much of that has been forgotten...This is a story of survival."
Bemiown, Night Owl Reviews Top Pick
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